Aggregate function invocation—SQL syntax and semantics
This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.
Reproduced from the SELECT statement section
The following six diagrams, select_start
, ordinary_aggregate_fn_invocation
, within_group_aggregate_fn_invocation
, group_by_clause
, grouping_element
, and having_clause
are reproduced from the section that describes the SELECT
select_start ::= SELECT [ ALL |
DISTINCT [ ON { ( expression [ , ... ] ) } ] ]
[ * | { { expression
| fn_over_window
| ordinary_aggregate_fn_invocation
| within_group_aggregate_fn_invocation }
[ [ AS ] name ] } [ , ... ] ]
ordinary_aggregate_fn_invocation ::= name (
{ [ ALL | DISTINCT ] expression
[ , ... ]
| * }
[ ORDER BY order_expr [ , ... ] ]
boolean_expression ) ]
within_group_aggregate_fn_invocation ::= name (
{ expression [ , ... ] } )
order_expr [ , ... ] )
boolean_expression ) ]
These rules govern the invocation of aggregate functions as SELECT
list items.
The aggregate functions listed in the sections General-purpose aggregate functions and Statistical aggregate functions are governed by the ordinary_aggregate_fn_invocation
rule. These functions may also be invoked as window functions. See the account of the fn_over_window
rule, and everything else that qualifies this, in the section Window function invocation—SQL syntax and semantics.
The aggregate functions listed in the sections Within-group ordered-set aggregate functions and Within-group hypothetical-set aggregate functions are governed by the within_group_aggregate_fn_invocation
rule. "Within-group ordered-set" aggregate functions may not be invoked as window functions. But "within-group hypothetical-set" aggregate functions may be invoked as window functions. The reasons for this difference are explained in the two relevant dedicated sections.
When aggregate functions are invoked using the syntax specified by either the ordinary_aggregate_fn_invocation
rule or the within_group_aggregate_fn_invocation
rule, users very often determine the result set with the GROUP BY
group_by_clause ::= GROUP BY { grouping_element [ , ... ] }
grouping_element ::= ( ) | ( expression [ , ... ] )
| ROLLUP ( expression [ , ... ] )
| CUBE ( expression [ , ... ] )
| GROUPING SETS ( grouping_element [ , ... ] )
The result set may be restricted by the HAVING
The ordinary_aggregate_fn_invocation rule
This syntax rule governs the invocation of the aggregate functions that are listed in the General-purpose aggregate functions and the Statistical aggregate functions sections. Notice that (possibly to your surprise) the optional ORDER BY
clause is used within the parentheses that surround the arguments with which the function is invoked and that there is no comma after the final argument and this clause. Here is an example:
drop table if exists t cascade;
create table t(
k int primary key,
class int not null,
v text not null);
insert into t(k, class, v)
(1 + s.v),
case (s.v) < 3
when true then 1
else 2
chr(97 + s.v)
from generate_series(0, 5) as s(v);
array_agg(v order by k desc) as "array_agg(v)",
string_agg(v, ' ~ ' order by k desc) as "string_agg(v)",
jsonb_agg(v order by v desc) as "jsonb_agg",
jsonb_object_agg(v, k order by v desc) as "jsonb_object_agg(v, k)"
from t
group by class
order by class;
It produces this result:
class | array_agg(v) | string_agg(v) | jsonb_agg | jsonb_object_agg(v, k)
1 | {c,b,a} | c ~ b ~ a | ["c", "b", "a"] | {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
2 | {f,e,d} | f ~ e ~ d | ["f", "e", "d"] | {"d": 4, "e": 5, "f": 6}
This is a simplified version of the example shown in the GROUP BY
syntax section within the array_agg()
, string_agg()
, jsonb_agg()
, jsonb_object_agg()
section. These three functions:
are sensitive to the effect of the order of aggregation of the individual values. This is because they produce lists. However, jsonb_object_agg()
is not sensitive to the order because the key-value pairs in a JSON object are defined to have no order. And neither is any other aggregate function among those that are governed by the ordinary_aggregate_fn_invocation
sensitive to ordering.
The string_agg()
function conveniently illustrates the effect of the FILTER
string_agg(v, ' ~ ' order by k ) filter (where v <> 'f') as "string_agg(v) without f",
string_agg(v, ' ~ ' order by k desc) filter (where v <> 'a') as "string_agg(v) without a"
from t;
This is the result:
string_agg(v) without f | string_agg(v) without a
a ~ b ~ c ~ d ~ e | f ~ e ~ d ~ c ~ b
The within_group_aggregate_fn_invocation rule
This syntax rule governs the invocation of the aggregate functions that are listed in the Within-group ordered-set aggregate functions section and the Within-group hypothetical-set aggregate functions section.
The mode()
function is a "within-group ordered-set" aggregate function. Here's a simple example:
drop table if exists t cascade;
create table t(
k int primary key,
class int not null,
v text);
insert into t(k, class, v)
ntile(2) over(order by v),
chr(ascii('a') -1 + g.v)
from generate_series(1, 10) as g(v)
union all
(11, 1, 'e'),
(12, 2, 'f'),
(13, 2, null),
(14, 2, null),
(15, 2, null);
\pset null <null>
select k, class, v from t order by class, v nulls last, k;
This is the result:
k | class | v
1 | 1 | a
2 | 1 | b
3 | 1 | c
4 | 1 | d
5 | 1 | e
11 | 1 | e
6 | 2 | f
12 | 2 | f
7 | 2 | g
8 | 2 | h
9 | 2 | i
10 | 2 | j
13 | 2 | <null>
14 | 2 | <null>
15 | 2 | <null>
Now try this:
mode() within group (order by k desc) as "k mode",
mode() within group (order by v ) as "v mode"
from t
group by class
order by class;
This is the result:
class | k mode | v mode
1 | 11 | e
2 | 15 | f
Because "k" happens to be unique, the modal value is chosen arbitrarily from the set of candidate values. It might appear that the ORBER BY
clause determines which value is chosen. Don't rely on this—it's an undocumented effect of the implementation and might change at some future release boundary.
Notice that the expression for which the modal value for each value of "class", as the GROUP BY
clause requests, is specified not as the argument of the mode()
function but, rather, as the argument of the invocation's ORDER BY
clause. This explains why the within_group_aggregate_fn_invocation
rule specifies that ORDER BY
is mandatory. If you execute the \df mode
meta-command in ysqlsh
, you'll see that both the argument data type and the result data type is anyelement
. In other words, the argument of the ORDER BY
clause in the invocation of the mode()
aggregate function must be just a single scalar expression. Notice that this is more restrictive than the general case for the ORDER BY
clause that you use at top level in a subquery or within the window definition for the OVER
clause that you use to invoke a window function.
The expression need not correspond just to a bare column, as this example shows:
mode() within group (order by v||'x') as "expr-1 mode",
mode() within group (order by (case v is null when true then '<null>' else v end)) as "expr-2 mode"
from t;
This is the result:
expr-1 mode | expr-2 mode
ex | <null>
The parameterization story for the other two "within-group ordered-set" aggregate functions, percentile_disc()
and percentile_cont()
, is more subtle. Each has two overloads. One takes a scalar, and the other takes an array. These arguments specify how the functions should determine their result. The expression, for which the result is produced, is specified as the argument of the ORDER BY
The syntax rules for the four within-group hypothetical-set aggregate functions, rank()
, dense_rank()
, percent_rank()
, and cume_dist()
, are, as stated, the same as for the within-group ordered-set aggregate functions. But the semantics are importantly different—and this difference is reflected in how the invocations are parameterized. This is best understood by reading the accounts of the four functions and the general introduction to the section that describes these. Briefly, the argument to the function specifies the value that is to be hypothetically inserted. And the ORDER BY
argument specifies the expression to which that value will be assigned as a result of the hypothetical insert.
The GROUP BY clause
The group_by_clause
rule, together with the grouping_element
rule, show that the GROUP BY
clause can be composed as a comma-separated list of an unlimited number of terms, each of which can be chosen from a list of five kinds of element. Moreover, the GROUPING SETS
alternative itself takes a comma-separated list of an unlimited number of terms, each of which can be chosen from the same list of five kinds of element. Further, this freedom can be exercised recursively. Here's an exotic example to illustrate this freedom of composition:
drop table if exists t cascade;
create table t(
k int primary key,
g1 int not null,
g2 int not null,
g3 int not null,
g4 int not null,
v int not null);
insert into t(k, g1, g2, g3, g4, v)
from generate_series(1, 80) as g(v);
select count(*) as "number of resulting rows" from (
select g1, g2, g3, g4, avg(v)
from t
group by (), g1, (g2, g3), rollup (g1, g2), cube (g3, g4), grouping sets (g1, g2, (), rollup (g1, g3), cube (g2, g4))
order by g1 nulls last, g2 nulls last)
as a;
This is the result:
number of resulting rows
You can, of course, remove the surrounding select count(*)... from... as a;
from this:
select count(*) as "number of resulting rows" from (
select ...)
as a;
and look at all 1,536 resulting rows. But it's very unlikely that you'll be able to discern any meaning from what you see. Here are two more legal examples whose meaning is obscured by the way they're written:
select avg(v)
from t
group by ();
select g1, avg(v)
from t
group by (), g1;
The meaning of each of the last three constructs of the five that the grouping_element
rule allows is explained in the section Using the GROUPING SETS
, and CUBE
syntax for aggregate function invocation.
The second construct is the familiar bare list of GROUP BY
expressions. This may be surrounded by parentheses, and arbitrary sequences of expressions may themselves be surrounded by arbitrary numbers of arbitrarily deeply nested parentheses pairs. However, doing this brings no meaning—just as it brings no meaning in this contrived, but legal, example:
select (((((1 + 2)))) + (((((3 + (4))))))) as x;
It produces the answer 10.
The first construct, the empty ()
pair has no semantic value except when it's used within, for example, the ROLLUP
The overwhelmingly common way to take advantage of the freedoms that the grouping_element
rule allows is to use exactly one of the last four constructs and to take advantage of the empty ()
pair in that context.
The HAVING clause
clause is functionally equivalent to the WHERE
clause. However, it is legal only in a subquery that has a GROUP BY
clause, and it must be placed after the GROUP BY
. First, create and populate a test table:
drop table if exists t cascade;
create table t(
k int primary key,
class int not null,
v numeric);
insert into t(k, class, v)
(1 + s.v),
case (s.v) < 5
when true then 1
else 2
case (s.v) <> 4
when true then (100.0 + s.v)::numeric
else null
from generate_series(0, 9) as s(v);
\pset null <null>
select k, class, v from t order by k;
This is the result:
k | class | v
1 | 1 | 100
2 | 1 | 101
3 | 1 | 102
4 | 1 | 103
5 | 1 | <null>
6 | 2 | 105
7 | 2 | 106
8 | 2 | 107
9 | 2 | 108
10 | 2 | 109
Now try this counter-example:
select v from t having v >= 105;
It causes this error:
42803: column "t.v" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
The meaning is "...must be used in an expression in the GROUP BY
clause or be used in an expression in an aggregate function invocation".
Here is an example of the legal use of the HAVING
select class, count(v)
from t
group by class
having count(v) > 4
order by class;
This is the result:
class | count
2 | 5
This illustrates the use case that motivates the HAVING
clause: you want to restrict the results using a predicate that references an aggregate function. Try this counter-example:
select class, count(v)
from t
where count(v) > 4
group by class
order by class;
It causes this error:
42803: aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE
(The error code 42803 maps to the exception name grouping_error
in PL/pgSQL.)
In contrast, this is legal:
select class, count(v)
from t
where class = 1
group by class
order by class;
clause restricts the set on which aggregate functions are evaluated. And the HAVING
clause restricts the result set after aggregation. This informs you that a subquery that uses a HAVING
clause legally can always be re-written to use a WHERE
clause, albeit at the cost of increased verbosity, to restrict the result set of a subquery defined in a WITH
clause, like this:
with a as (
select class, count(v)
from t
group by class)
select class, count
from a
where count > 4
order by class;