Start YB-TServers

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

This section covers deployment for a single region or data center in a multi-zone/multi-rack configuration. Note that single zone configuration is a special case of multi-zone where all placement related flags are set to the same value across every node.

For instructions on running a single cluster across multiple data centers or 2 clusters in 2 data centers, refer to Multi-DC deployments.

For information about YB-TServer, refer to YB-TServer service.

Example scenario

  • Create a 6-node cluster with replication factor of 3.
    • YB-TServer servers should run on all six nodes, and YB-Master servers should run on only three nodes.
    • Assume the three YB-Master private IP addresses are,, and
    • Cloud is AWS, region us-west, and the three availability zones us-west-2a, us-west-2b, and us-west-2c.
    • Two nodes will be placed in each AZ in such a way that 1 replica for each tablet (aka shard) gets placed in any 1 node for each AZ.
  • Multiple data drives mounted on /home/centos/disk1, /home/centos/disk2.

Run YB-TServer with command line flags

The number of nodes in a cluster running YB-TServers must equal or exceed the replication factor in order for any table to get created successfully.

Run the yb-tserver server on each of the six nodes as follows.

$ ./bin/yb-tserver \
  --tserver_master_addrs,, \
  --rpc_bind_addresses \
  --enable_ysql \
  --pgsql_proxy_bind_address \
  --cql_proxy_bind_address \
  --fs_data_dirs "/home/centos/disk1,/home/centos/disk2" \
  --placement_cloud aws \
  --placement_region us-west \
  --placement_zone us-west-2a \
  >& /home/centos/disk1/yb-tserver.out &

Provide all of the master addresses using the --tserver_master_addrs flag. Replace the --rpc_bind_addresses value with the private IP address of the host, and set the placement_cloud, placement_region, and placement_zone values appropriately. For single zone deployment, use the same value for the --placement_zone flag.

For the full list of configuration flags, see the YB-TServer reference.

Run YB-TServer with configuration file

Alternatively, you can also create a tserver.conf file with the following flags and then run the yb-tserver with the --flagfile flag. For each YB-TServer server, replace the RPC bind address flags with the private IP address of the host running the YB-TServer server.

$ ./bin/yb-tserver --flagfile tserver.conf >& /home/centos/disk1/yb-tserver.out &

Set replica placement policy


This step is required for only multi-AZ deployments and can be skipped for a single AZ deployment.

The default replica placement policy when the cluster is first created is to treat all nodes as equal irrespective of the --placement_* configuration flags. However, for the current deployment, you want to explicitly place one replica of each tablet in each AZ. The following command sets replication factor of 3 across us-west-2a, us-west-2b, and us-west-2c leading to such a placement.

On any host running the yb-master, run the following command:

$ ./bin/yb-admin \
    --master_addresses,, \
    modify_placement_info  \,, 3

Verify by running the following:

$ curl -s http://<any-master-ip>:7000/cluster-config

Confirm that the output looks similar to the following, with min_num_replicas set to 1 for each AZ:

replication_info {
  live_replicas {
    num_replicas: 3
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "aws"
        placement_region: "us-west"
        placement_zone: "us-west-2a"
      min_num_replicas: 1
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "aws"
        placement_region: "us-west"
        placement_zone: "us-west-2b"
      min_num_replicas: 1
    placement_blocks {
      cloud_info {
        placement_cloud: "aws"
        placement_region: "us-west"
        placement_zone: "us-west-2b"
      min_num_replicas: 1

Verify health

Make sure all YB-TServer servers are working as expected by inspecting the INFO log. The default logs directory is always inside the first directory specified in the --fs_data_dirs flag.

You can do this as follows:

$ cat /home/centos/disk1/yb-data/tserver/logs/yb-tserver.INFO

In each of the YB-TServer logs, you should see log messages similar to the following:

I0912 16:27:18.296516  8168] Connected to a leader master server at
I0912 16:27:18.296794  8168] Registering TS with master...
I0912 16:27:18.297732  8168] Sending a full tablet report to master...
I0912 16:27:18.298435  8142] Reinitialize master addresses from file: ../tserver.conf
I0912 16:27:18.298691  8142] New master addresses:,,
I0912 16:27:18.311367  8142] Starting webserver on
I0912 16:27:18.311408  8142] Document root: /home/centos/yugabyte/www
I0912 16:27:18.311574  8142] Webserver started. Bound to:
I0912 16:27:18.311748  8142] RPC server started. Bound to:
I0912 16:27:18.311828  8142] CQL server successfully started

In the current YB-Master leader log, you should see log messages similar to the following:

I0912 22:26:32.832296  3162] Registered new tablet server { permanent_uuid: "766ec935738f4ae89e5ff3ae26c66651" instance_seqno: 1505255192814357 } with Master
I0912 22:26:39.111896  3162] Registered new tablet server { permanent_uuid: "9de074ac78a0440c8fb6899e0219466f" instance_seqno: 1505255199069498 } with Master
I0912 22:26:41.055996  3162] Registered new tablet server { permanent_uuid: "60042249ad9e45b5a5d90f10fc2320dc" instance_seqno: 1505255201010923 } with Master


Remember to add the command you used to start the YB-TServer to a cron job to restart it if it goes down.

Grow the cluster

To grow the cluster, add additional YB-TServer nodes just as you do when creating the cluster.