ybm vpc peering

Manage account peering connections

Use the vpc peering resource to perform operations on peering connections, including the following:

  • create and delete peering connections
  • get information about a peering connection


Usage: ybm vpc peering [command] [flags]


Create a peering connection on GCP:

ybm vpc peering create \ --name demo-peer \ --yb-vpc-name demo-vpc \ --cloud-provider GCP \ --app-vpc-project-id project \ --app-vpc-name application-vpc-name \ --app-vpc-cidr



Create a peering connection.

Flag Description
--name Required. Name for the peering.
--yb-vpc-name Required. Name of the YugabyteDB VPC to be peered.
--cloud-provider Required. Cloud provider of the VPC being peered. AWS or GCP.
--app-vpc-project-id Required for GCP. Project ID of the application VPC being peered. GCP only.
--app-vpc-name Required for GCP. Name of the application VPC being peered. GCP only.
--app-vpc-cidr Required for AWS. CIDR of the application VPC. Optional for GCP.
--app-vpc-account-id Required for AWS. Account ID of the application VPC. AWS only.
--app-vpc-id Required for AWS. ID of the application VPC. AWS only.
--app-vpc-region Required for AWS. Region of the application VPC. AWS only.


Delete a specified peering connection.

Flag Description
--name Required. Name of the peering connection.


List the VPC peering connections configured for your account.

Flag Description
--name Name of a peering.