ybm cluster read-replica

Manage cluster read replicas

Use the cluster read-replica resource to perform operations on a YugabyteDB Aeon cluster read replica, including the following:

  • create, update, and delete read replicas
  • get information about read replicas


Usage: ybm cluster read-replica [command] [flags]


Create a read-replica cluster:

ybm cluster read-replica create \ --replica num-cores=2,\ memory-mb=4096,\ disk-size-gb=200,\ cloud-provider=AWS,\ region=us-west-3,\ num-nodes=3,\ vpc=my-vpc,\ num-replicas=2,\ multi-zone=true



Create a read replica for a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster to which you want to add read replicas.
--replica Specifications for the read replica provided as key-value pairs.
  • num-cores - number of vCPUs per node. Default is 2.
  • memory-mb - memory (MB) per node. Default is 4096.
  • disk-size-gb - disk size (GB) per node. Default is 10.
  • cloud-provider - cloud provider (AWS or GCP)
  • region - region in which to deploy the read replica
  • num-nodes - number of nodes for the read replica. Default is 1.
  • vpc-name - name of the VPC in which to deploy the read replica
  • num-replicas - the replication factor
  • multi-zone - whether the read replica is multi-zone (true or false). Default is false.


Delete read replicas of a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster whose read replicas you want to delete.


List the read replicas of a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster whose read replicas you want to fetch.


Update a read replica for a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster with read replicas you want to update.
--replica Specifications for the read replica provided as key-value pairs.
  • num-cores - number of vCPUs per node. Default is 2.
  • memory-mb - memory (MB) per node. Default is 4096.
  • disk-size-gb - disk size (GB) per node. Default is 10.
  • cloud-provider - cloud provider (AWS or GCP)
  • region - region in which to deploy the read replica
  • num-nodes - number of nodes for the read replica. Default is 1.
  • vpc-name - name of the VPC in which to deploy the read replica
  • num-replicas - the replication factor
  • multi-zone - whether the read replica is multi-zone (true or false). Default is false.