Back up and restore YugabyteDB Anywhere

Back up your YugabyteDB Anywhere installation

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

YugabyteDB Anywhere installations include configuration settings, certificates and keys, and other components required for creating and managing YugabyteDB universes.

If you installed YugabyteDB Anywhere using YBA installer, use the yba-ctl CLI to back up and restore your YugabyteDB Anywhere installation. The CLI executes the script to back up an existing YugabyteDB Anywhere server and restore it, when needed, for disaster recovery or migrating to a new server.


You cannot back up and restore Prometheus metrics data.

Back up YugabyteDB Anywhere

To back up your YugabyteDB Anywhere installation, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the createbackup command, as follows:

    sudo yba-ctl createBackup <output_path> [flags]

    The createBackup command executes the script to create a backup of your YugabyteDB Anywhere instance. Specify the output_path where you want the backup .tar.gz file to be stored.

    The following table describes optional flags you can include with the createBackup command.

    Flag Description
    --data_dir string Data directory to be backed up. (default: "/opt/yugabyte")
    --exclude_prometheus Exclude Prometheus metric data from backup. (default: false)
    --exclude_releases Exclude YugabyteDB releases from backup. (default: false)
    -h, --help Help for createBackup. (default: false)
    --skip_restart Don't restart processes during execution. (default: false)
    --verbose Display extra information in the output. (default: false)
    -f, --force (global flag) Run in non-interactive mode. All user confirmations are skipped.
    --log_level string (global flag) Log level for this command. Levels: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace. (default: "info")
  2. Verify that the backup .tar.gz file, with the correct timestamp, is in the specified output directory.

  3. Upload the backup file to your preferred storage location and delete it from the local disk.

Restore YugabyteDB Anywhere

To restore the YugabyteDB Anywhere content from your saved backup, perform the following:

  1. Copy the backup .tar file from your storage location.

  2. Run the restoreBackup command as follows:

    sudo yba-ctl restoreBackup <input_path> [flags]

    The restoreBackup command executes the script to restore from a previously taken backup of your YugabyteDB Anywhere instance. Specify the input_path to the backup .tar.gz file as the only argument.

When finished, the restored YugabyteDB Anywhere is ready to continue managing your universes and clusters.

The following table describes optional flags you can include with the restoreBackup command.

Flag Description
--destination string Path to un-tar the backup. (default: "/opt/yugabyte")
-h, --help Help for restoreBackup.
--migration Restoring from a Replicated or Yugabundle installation. (default: false)
--skip_dbdrop Skip dropping the yugaware database before a migration restore. (default: false)
--skip_restart Don't restart processes during command execution. (default: false)
--use_system_pg Use system path's pg_restore as opposed to installed binary. (default: false)
--verbose Display extra information in the output. (default: false)
-f, --force (global flag) Run in non-interactive mode. All user confirmations are skipped.
--log_level string (global flag) Log level for this command. Levels: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace. (default: "info")