Alert policy templates

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

Alert policies use the following templates to define how the alert is triggered. The alert templates have been created using Prometheus expressions.

Alert templates

Alert channel failed

Last attempt to send alert notifications to channel '{{ $labels.source_name }}' has failed. You need to try sending a test alert to obtain details.

last_over_time(ybp_alert_manager_channel_status{customer_uuid="$uuid"}[1d]) < 1

Alert notification failed

Last attempt to send alert notifications for customer 'customer name' failed. You need to check YugabyteDB Anywhere logs for details or contact Yugabyte Support.

last_over_time(ybp_alert_manager_status{customer_uuid="$uuid"}[1d]) < 1

Alert query failed

Last alert query for customer 'customer name' failed. YugabyteDB Anywhere logs for details or contact Yugabyte Support.

last_over_time(ybp_alert_query_status[1d]) < 1

Alert rules sync failed

Last alert rules synchronization for customer 'customer name' has failed. YugabyteDB Anywhere logs for details or contact Yugabyte Support.

last_over_time(ybp_alert_config_writer_status[1d]) < 1

Backup templates

Backup deletion failure

Failed to delete $value backups for customer 'customer name' in last GC run. Check logs for more details.

last_over_time(ybp_delete_backup_failure{customer_uuid = "__customerUuid__"}[1d]) {{ query_condition }} 0

Backup failure

Last backup task for universe '$universe_name' failed. You need to check the backup task result for details.

last_over_time(ybp_create_backup_status{universe_uuid = "$uuid"}[1d]) < 1

Backup schedule failure

Last attempt to run a scheduled backup for universe '$universe_name' failed due to other backup or universe operation in progress.

last_over_time(ybp_schedule_backup_status{universe_uuid = "$uuid"}[1d]) < 1

PITR config failure

Last snapshot task for universe '$universe_name' failed. To retry, check PITR configuration task result for more details.

min(ybp_pitr_config_status{universe_uuid = "__universeUuid__"}) {{ query_condition }} 1

DB templates

DB compaction overload

Database compaction rejections detected for universe '$universe_name'.

sum by (node_prefix) (increase(majority_sst_files_rejections{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[10m])) > 0

DB core files

Core files detected for universe '$universe_name' on $value T-Server instances.

ybp_health_check_tserver_core_files{universe_uuid="$uuid"} > 0

DB drive failure

TServer detected $value drive failure for universe '$universe_name'.

count by (universe_uuid) (drive_fault{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__", export_type="tserver_export"}) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}createForNewCustomer: true

DB error logs

Error logs detected for universe '$universe_name' on $value Master/TServer instance(s).

sum by (universe_uuid) ((ybp_health_check_node_master_error_logs{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"} < bool 1) * ignoring (saved_name) (ybp_health_check_node_master_fatal_logs{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"} == bool 1)) + sum by (universe_uuid) ((ybp_health_check_node_tserver_error_logs{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"} < bool 1) * ignoring (saved_name) (ybp_health_check_node_tserver_fatal_logs{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"} == bool 1)) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

DB fatal logs

Fatal logs have been detected for universe '$universe_name' on $value Master or T-Server instances.

sum by (universe_uuid) (ybp_health_check_node_master_fatal_logs{universe_uuid="$uuid"} < bool 1) + sum by (universe_uuid) (ybp_health_check_node_tserver_fatal_logs{universe_uuid="$uuid"} < bool 1) > 0

DB instance down

$value database Master or T-Server instances are down for more than 15 minutes for universe '$universe_name'.

count by (node_prefix) ( label_replace( max_over_time(up{export_type=~"master_export|tserver_export",node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[15m]), "exported_instance", "$1", "instance", "(.*)" ) < 1 and on (node_prefix, export_type, exported_instance) (min_over_time(ybp_universe_node_function{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[15m]) == 1) ) > 0

DB instance restart

Universe '$universe_name' Master or T-Server has restarted $value times during last 30 minutes.

max by (node_prefix) ( changes(yb_node_boot_time{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[30m]) and on (node_prefix) (max_over_time(ybp_universe_update_in_progress{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[31m]) == 0) ) > 0

DB queues overflow

Database queues overflow has been detected for universe '$universe_name'.

sum by (node_prefix) (increase(rpcs_queue_overflow{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[10m])) + sum by (node_prefix) (increase(rpcs_timed_out_in_queue{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[10m])) > 1

DB memory overload

Database memory rejections have been detected for universe '$universe_name'.

sum by (node_prefix) (increase(leader_memory_pressure_rejections{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[10m])) + sum by (node_prefix) ( increase(follower_memory_pressure_rejections{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[10m]) ) + sum by (node_prefix) ( increase(operation_memory_pressure_rejections{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[10m]) ) > 0

DB version mismatch

Version mismatch has been detected for universe '$universe_name' for $value Master or T-Server instances.

ybp_health_check_tserver_version_mismatch{universe_uuid="$uuid"} + ybp_health_check_master_version_mismatch{universe_uuid="$uuid"} > 0

DB write/read test error

Test YSQL write/read operation failed on $value nodes for universe '$universe_name'.

count by (node_prefix) (yb_node_ysql_write_read{node_prefix="$node_prefix"} < 1)

DocDB cache miss percentage is high

DocDB cache miss percentage is high for universe '$universe_name'. The current value is $value %.

avg by (universe_uuid) ( sum by (exported_instance, universe_uuid) ( rate(rocksdb_block_cache_miss{export_type="tserver_export",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m]) ) / ( sum by (exported_instance, universe_uuid) ( rate(rocksdb_block_cache_miss{export_type="tserver_export",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m]) ) + sum by (exported_instance, universe_uuid) ( rate(rocksdb_block_cache_hit{export_type="tserver_export",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m]) ) ) ) * 100 {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

DB node templates

DB node CPU usage

Average node CPU usage for universe '$universe_name' is more than 90% on $value nodes.

count by (node_prefix) ( ( 100 - ( avg by (node_prefix, instance) ( avg_over_time( irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job="node",mode="idle",node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[1m])[30m:] ) ) * 100 ) ) > 90 )

DB node down

$value database nodes are down for more than 15 minutes for universe '$universe_name'.

count by (node_prefix) ( max_over_time(up{export_type="node_export",node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[15m]) < 1 ) > 0

DB node data disk usage

Node data disk usage for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold% on $value node(s).

count by (universe_uuid) (count by (universe_uuid, node_name) (100 - (sum without (saved_name) (node_filesystem_free_bytes{mountpoint=~"__mountPoints__",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__", fstype!="rootfs"}) / sum without (saved_name) (node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint=~"__mountPoints__", universe_uuid="__universeUuid__", fstype!="rootfs"}) * 100) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}))

DB node file descriptors usage

Node file descriptors usage for universe '$universe_name' is above 70% on $value nodes.

count by (universe_uuid) (ybp_health_check_used_fd_pct{universe_uuid="$uuid"} > 70)

DB node OOM

More than one out of memory (OOM) kills have been detected for universe '$universe_name' on $value nodes.

count by (node_prefix) (yb_node_oom_kills_10min{node_prefix="$node_prefix"} > 1) > 0

DB node restart

Universe '$universe_name' database node has restarted $value times during last 30 minutes.

max by (node_prefix) (changes(node_boot_time{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[30m])) > 0

DB node system disk usage

Node system disk usage for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold% on $value node(s).

count by (universe_uuid) (count by (universe_uuid, node_name) (100 - (sum without (saved_name) (node_filesystem_free_bytes{mountpoint=~"__systemMountPoints__",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__", fstype!="rootfs"}) / sum without (saved_name) (node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint=~"__systemMountPoints__",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__", fstype!="rootfs"}) * 100) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}))

Master and Tablets

Leaderless tablets

The tablet leader is missing for more than 5 minutes for $value tablets in universe '$universe_name'.

max by (node_prefix) ( count by (node_prefix, exported_instance) ( max_over_time(yb_node_leaderless_tablet{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[5m]) ) > 0 )

Master leader missing

Master leader is missing for universe '$universe_name'.

max by (node_prefix) (yb_node_is_master_leader{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}) < 1

Under-replicated master

Master is missing from Raft group or has follower lag higher than $threshold seconds for universe '$universe_name'.

(min_over_time((ybp_universe_replication_factor{universe_uuid='{{ $labels.universe_uuid }}'} - on(universe_uuid) count by(universe_uuid) (count by (universe_uuid, exported_instance) (follower_lag_ms{export_type="master_export", universe_uuid='{{ $labels.universe_uuid }}'})))[{{query_threshold }}s:]) > 0 or (max by(universe_uuid) (follower_lag_ms{export_type="master_export", universe_uuid='{{ $labels.universe_uuid }}'}) {{ query_condition }} ({{ query_threshold }} * 1000)))

Under-replicated tablets

$value tablets remain under-replicated for more than 5 minutes in universe '$universe_name'.

max by (node_prefix) ( count by (node_prefix, exported_instance) ( max_over_time(yb_node_underreplicated_tablet{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[5m]) ) > 0 )

Tablet server average read latency is high

Average read latency of tablet server for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold% ms. The current value is $value milliseconds.

( avg by (universe_uuid) ( rate( rpc_latency_sum{export_type="tserver_export",server_type="yb_tserver",service_method="Read",service_type="TabletServerService",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ) ) ) / ( avg by (universe_uuid) ( rate( rpc_latency_count{export_type="tserver_export",server_type="yb_tserver",service_method="Read",service_type="TabletServerService",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ) ) * 1000 ) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

Tablet server average write latency is high

Average write latency of tablet server for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold% ms. The current value is $value milliseconds.

( avg by (universe_uuid) ( rate( rpc_latency_sum{export_type="tserver_export",server_type="yb_tserver",service_method="Write",service_type="TabletServerService",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ) ) ) / ( avg by (universe_uuid) ( rate( rpc_latency_count{export_type="tserver_export",server_type="yb_tserver",service_method="Write",service_type="TabletServerService",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ) ) * 1000 ) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

Resource templates

Clock skew

Maximum clock skew for universe '$universe_name' is more than 500 milliseconds. The current value is $value milliseconds.

max by (node_prefix) (max_over_time(hybrid_clock_skew{node_prefix="$node_prefix"}[10m])) / 1000 > 500

Health check error

Failed to perform health check for universe '$universe_name'. You need to check YugabyteDB Anywhere logs for details or contact Yugabyte Support.

last_over_time(ybp_health_check_status{universe_uuid="$uuid"}[1d]) < 1

Health check notification error

Failed to issue health check notification for universe '$universe_name'. You need to check Health notification settings and YugabyteDB Anywhere logs for details or contact Yugabyte Support.

last_over_time(ybp_health_check_notification_status{universe_uuid="$uuid"}[1d]) < 1

Inactive cronjob nodes

$value nodes have inactive cronjob for universe '$universe_name'.

ybp_universe_inactive_cron_nodes{universe_uuid = "$uuid"} > 0

Memory consumption

Average memory usage for universe '$universe_name' nodes is above $threshold%. Maximum value is $value.

max by (universe_uuid) ((avg_over_time(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[10m]) - ignoring (saved_name) (avg_over_time(node_memory_Buffers_bytes{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[10m])) - ignoring (saved_name) (avg_over_time(node_memory_Cached_bytes{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[10m])) - ignoring (saved_name) (avg_over_time(node_memory_MemFree_bytes{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[10m])) - ignoring (saved_name) (avg_over_time(node_memory_Slab_bytes{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[10m]))) / ignoring (saved_name) (avg_over_time(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[10m]))) * 100 {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

Metric collection failure

Failed to collect metrics for universe '$universe_name'. You need to check YugabyteDB Anywhere logs for details or contact Yugabyte Support.

last_over_time(ybp_universe_metric_collection_status{universe_uuid = "__universeUuid__"}[1d]) {{ query_condition }} 1

Replication lag

Average replication lag for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold milliseconds. Current value is $value milliseconds.

max by (universe_uuid) (avg_over_time(async_replication_committed_lag_micros{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[10m]) or avg_over_time(async_replication_sent_lag_micros{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[10m])) / 1000 {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

Universe OS outdated

More recent OS version is recommended for this universe. Consider running VM image upgrade for the nodes to incorporate security patches and address vulnerabilities.

ybp_universe_os_update_required{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"} {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

Increase in remote bootstraps

Increase in remote bootstraps detected for universe '$universe_name'.

sum by (universe_uuid) ( increase( rpc_latency_count{export_type="tserver_export",server_type="yb_consensus",service_method="StartRemoteBootstrap",service_type="ConsensusService",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ) ) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

Reactor delays are high

Reactor delays for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold% ms. The current value is $value milliseconds.

max by (universe_uuid) ( avg by (universe_uuid, saved_name) ( label_replace( rate(rpc_incoming_queue_time_sum{export_type="tserver_export",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m]), "saved_name", "rpc_incoming_queue_time_count", "saved_name", "(.*)" ) ) / ( avg by (universe_uuid, saved_name) ( rate( rpc_incoming_queue_time_count{export_type="tserver_export",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ) ) * 1000 ) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }} or ( avg by (universe_uuid, saved_name) ( label_replace( rate( handler_latency_outbound_call_queue_time_sum{export_type="tserver_export",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ), "saved_name", "handler_latency_outbound_call_queue_time_count", "saved_name", "(.*)" ) ) ) / ( avg by (universe_uuid, saved_name) ( rate( handler_latency_outbound_call_queue_time_count{export_type="tserver_export",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ) ) * 1000 ) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }} )

RPC queue size is high

RPC queue size is high for universe '$universe_name'.

max by (universe_uuid) ( min_over_time( {export_type="tserver_export",saved_name=~"rpcs_in_queue_.*",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m] ) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }} )

WAL cache size is high

WAL cache size is high for nodes '$node_name' in universe '$universe_name'. The current value is $value MB for one of the nodes.

max by (universe_uuid) ( ( sum by (universe_uuid, node_name) ( log_cache_size{export_type="tserver_export",universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"} ) ) / 1024 ) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

Security templates

Client to node cert expiry

Client to node certificate for universe '$universe_name' expires in $value days.

min by (node_name) (ybp_health_check_c2n_cert_validity_days{universe_uuid="$uuid"} < 30)

Client to node CA cert expiry

Client to node CA certificate for universe '$universe_name' expires in $value days.

min by (node_name) (ybp_health_check_c2n_ca_cert_validity_days{universe_uuid="$uuid"} < 30)

Encryption at rest config expiry

Encryption at rest configuration for universe '$universe_name' expires in $value days.

ybp_universe_encryption_key_expiry_days{universe_uuid="$uuid"} < 3

Node to node cert expiry

Node to node certificate for universe '$universe_name' expires in $value days.

min by (node_name) (ybp_health_check_n2n_cert_validity_days{universe_uuid="$uuid"} < 30)

Node to node CA cert expiry

Node to node CA certificate for universe '$universe_name' expires in $value days.

min by (node_name) (ybp_health_check_n2n_ca_cert_validity_days{universe_uuid="$uuid"} < 30)

Private access key permission status

Invalid permissions of private access key file for universe '$universe_name'. You need to check YugabyteDB Anywhere logs for details or contact Yugabyte Support.

last_over_time(ybp_universe_private_access_key_status{universe_uuid = "__universeUuid__"}[1d]) {{ query_condition }} 1

SSH key expiry

SSH key for universe '$universe_name' will expire in $value days.

ybp_universe_ssh_key_expiry_day{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"} {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

SSH key rotation failure

Last SSH key rotation task for universe '$universe_name' failed. To retry, check SSH key rotation task result.

last_over_time(ybp_ssh_key_rotation_status{universe_uuid = "__universeUuid__"}[1d]) {{ query_condition }} 1

YSQL ops and latency

DB YSQLSH connection

YSQLSH connection failure detected for universe '$universe_name' on $value TServer instance(s).

count by (universe_uuid) (yb_node_ysql_connect{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"} < 1) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

New YSQL tables added

New YSQL tables are added to the source universe '$universe_name' in the database with an existing xCluster configuration, but not added to the xCluster replication.

((count by (namespace_name, universe_uuid)(count by(namespace_name, table_id, universe_uuid)(rocksdb_current_version_sst_files_size{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",table_type="PGSQL_TABLE_TYPE"}))) - count by(namespace_name, universe_uuid)(count by(namespace_name, universe_uuid, table_id)(async_replication_sent_lag_micros{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",table_type="PGSQL_TABLE_TYPE"}))) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

Number of YSQL connections is high

Number of YSQL connections for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold. Current value is $value.

max by (universe_uuid) (max_over_time(yb_node_ysql_connections_count{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__"}[5m])) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

YSQL average latency is high

Average YSQL operations latency for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold milliseconds. Current value is $value milliseconds.

(sum by (universe_uuid, service_method)(rate(rpc_latency_sum{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",export_type="ysql_export",server_type="yb_ysqlserver",service_type="SQLProcessor",service_method=~"SelectStmt|InsertStmt|UpdateStmt|DeleteStmt|Transactions"}[5m])) / sum by (universe_uuid, service_method)(rate(rpc_latency_count{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",export_type="ysql_export",server_type="yb_ysqlserver", service_type="SQLProcessor",service_method=~"SelectStmt|InsertStmt|UpdateStmt|DeleteStmt|Transactions"}[5m]))) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

YSQL P99 latency is high

YSQL P99 latency for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold milliseconds. Current value is $value milliseconds.

max by (universe_uuid) (rpc_latency{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",server_type="yb_ysqlserver",service_type="SQLProcessor", service_method=~"SelectStmt|InsertStmt|UpdateStmt|DeleteStmt|OtherStmts|Transactions",quantile="p99"}) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

YSQL throughput is high

Maximum throughput for YSQL operations for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold milliseconds. Current value is $value milliseconds.

sum by (service_method)(rate(rpc_latency_count{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",export_type="ysql_export",server_type="yb_ysqlserver", service_type="SQLProcessor",service_method=~"SelectStmt|InsertStmt|UpdateStmt|DeleteStmt|Transactions"}[5m])) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

YCQL ops and latency

DB CQLSH connection

CQLSH connection failure has been detected for universe '$universe_name' on $value T-Server instances.

ybp_health_check_cqlsh_connectivity_error{universe_uuid="$uuid"} > 0

Number of YCQL connections is high

Number of YCQL connections for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold. Current value is $value.

max by (universe_uuid) (max_over_time(rpc_connections_alive{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",export_type="cql_export"}[5m])) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

YCQL average latency is high

Average YSQL operations latency for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold milliseconds. Current value is $value milliseconds.

(sum by (service_method)(rate(rpc_latency_sum{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",export_type="cql_export",server_type="yb_cqlserver", service_type="SQLProcessor",service_method=~"SelectStmt|InsertStmt|UpdateStmt|DeleteStmt|Transaction"}[5m])) / sum by (service_method)(rate(rpc_latency_count{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",export_type="cql_export",server_type="yb_cqlserver", service_type="SQLProcessor",service_method=~"SelectStmt|InsertStmt|UpdateStmt|DeleteStmt|Transaction"}[5m]))) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

YCQL P99 latency is high

YCQL P99 latency for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold milliseconds. Current value is $value milliseconds.

max by (universe_uuid)(rpc_latency{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",server_type="yb_cqlserver", service_type="SQLProcessor",service_method=~"SelectStmt|InsertStmt|UpdateStmt|DeleteStmt|OtherStmts|Transaction",quantile="p99"}) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}

YCQL throughput is high

Maximum throughput for YCQL operations for universe '$universe_name' is above $threshold milliseconds. Current value is $value milliseconds.

sum by (universe_uuid, service_method) (rate(rpc_latency_count{universe_uuid="__universeUuid__",export_type="cql_export",server_type="yb_cqlserver", service_type="SQLProcessor",service_method=~"SelectStmt|InsertStmt|UpdateStmt|DeleteStmt|Transaction"}[5m])) {{ query_condition }} {{ query_threshold }}