YugabyteDB Anywhere CLI TECH PREVIEW

Install the CLI, configure default settings, and set up autocompletion

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

The YugabyteDB Anywhere (YBA) Command Line Interface (CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with YBA using commands from your shell. With minimal configuration, you can start running commands from the command line that implement functionality equivalent to that provided by the browser-based YBA interface.

The CLI can only be used with YugabyteDB Anywhere v2024.1 or later.

The CLI is in Tech Preview. Commands and options may change before GA .

Install CLI

Your YugabyteDB Anywhere installation includes the CLI binary, located in /opt/yugabyte/yugaware/yba-cli. The CLI is available for following architectures:

  • Linux AMD64 and ARM64
  • Darwin AMD64 and ARM64

Copy the appropriate binary to your local machine. Note that the CLI can only be used with the same or earlier version of YBA.

For help, enter the following command:

yba help


Using the CLI requires providing, at minimum, an API token.

You can pass the token as a flag when running CLI commands. For example:

yba universe list --apiToken "eyJ..."

For convenience, you can configure the CLI with a default API token as follows:

  • Use the auth command to write the token to a CLI configuration file, as follows:

    yba auth

    At the prompt, paste your API token and press Enter.

    By default, this writes the value to the CLI configuration file $HOME/.yba-cli.yaml.

    You can create multiple configuration files, and switch between them using the --config flag. You can add any of the other global flags to your configuration files.

  • Using environment variables. Environment variables must begin with YBA_. For example:

    export YBA_APITOKEN=AWERDFSSS yba universe list

If a value is set in an environment variable and a configuration file, the environment variable takes precedence. Setting the value using the flag takes precedence over both.

Environment variables

You can set the following CLI environment variables.

Variable Description
YBA_APITOKEN The API token to use to authenticate to your YugabyteDB Aeon account.
YBA_CI Set to true to avoid outputting unnecessary log lines.
YBA_HOST The host address of the universe you are managing. By default, https is added to the host if no scheme is provided.


yba [-h] [ <resource> ] [ <command> ] [ <flags> ]
  • resource: resource to be changed
  • command: command to run
  • flags: one or more flags, separated by spaces.

For example:

yba universe list

Online help

Access command-line help for the CLI by running the following command:

yba help

For help with specific resource commands, use the --help or -h flag, in the following form:

yba [ resource ] [ command ] -h

For example, to print the command-line help for the cluster create command, run the following:

yba universe list -h

Print the version of the CLI:

yba --version


You can manage the following resources:

Resource Description
provider Manage provider configurations.
storage-config Manage storage configurations.
task Manage tasks.
universe Manage universes.
yb-db-version Manage YugabyteDB releases.

Use the following commands to configure the CLI:

Resource Description
auth Write API token to a configuration file.
completion Configure autocompletion for Bash, Fish, PowerShell, and Zsh
login Connect to YugabyteDB Anywhere host machine using email and password.
register Register a YugabyteDB Anywhere customer.

Global flags

The following flags can be passed in with any command. These flags can also be added to your configuration file (see Use CLI).

-a, --apiToken string
YugabyteDB Anywhere account API Key.
--config string
Configuration file (default is $HOME/.yba-cli.yaml).
Use debug mode, same as --logLevel debug.
Disable colors in output. true or false (default).
-l, --logLevel string
Specify the desired level of logging. debug or info (default).
-o, --output string
Specify the desired output format. table (default), json, or pretty.
--timeout duration
Wait command timeout. For example, 5m, 1h. Default is 168h0m0s.
For long-running commands such as creating or deleting a cluster, you can use the --wait flag to display progress in the shell. true or false (default). For example:
yba universe delete \ --name=test-universe \ --wait

If you are using the CLI with the --wait flag in your CI system, you can set the environment variable YBA_CI to true to avoid generating unnecessary log lines.


You can configure command autocompletion for your shell using the completion command. For example:

yba completion bash

This generates an autocompletion script for the specified shell. Available options are as follows:

  • bash
  • fish
  • powershell
  • zsh


yba CLI autocompletion depends on the 'bash-completion' package. If not already installed, install it using your operating system's package manager.

To load completions in your current shell session, enter the following command:

source <(yba completion bash)

To load completions for every new session, execute the following command:

#### for Linux: yba completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/yba #### for macOS: yba completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/yba

Start a new shell for the setup to take effect.


To load completions in your current shell session, use the following command:

yba completion fish | source

To load completions for every new session, execute the following command:

yba completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/yba.fish

Start a new shell for the setup to take effect.


To load completions in your current shell session, use the following command:

yba completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

To load completions for every new session, add the output of the preceding command to your PowerShell profile.


If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment, you can turn it on by running the following command:

echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> .zshrc

To load completions in your current shell session, enter the following command:

source <(yba completion zsh); compdef _yba yba

To load completions for every new session, execute the following:

#### for Linux: yba completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_yba" #### for macOS: yba completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_yba

Start a new shell for the setup to take effect.