To deploy nodes

Prepare your cloud for deploying YugabyteDB universe nodes

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

For YugabyteDB Anywhere (YBA) to be able to deploy and manage YugabyteDB clusters, you need to provide YBA with privileges on your cloud infrastructure to create, delete, and modify VMs, mount and unmount disk volumes, and so on.

The more permissions that you can provide, the more YBA can automate.


Application and resource group

YugabyteDB Anywhere requires cloud permissions to create VMs. You grant YugabyteDB Anywhere access to manage Azure resources such as VMs by registering an application in the Azure portal so the Microsoft identity platform can provide authentication and authorization services for your application. Registering your application establishes a trust relationship between your application and the Microsoft identity platform.

In addition, your Azure application needs to have a resource group with the following permissions:

Network Contributor
Virtual Machine Contributor 

You can optionally create a resource group for network resources if you want network interfaces to be created separately. The network resource group must have the Network Contributor permission.

For more information on registering applications, refer to Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform in the Microsoft Entra documentation.

For more information on roles, refer to Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal in the Microsoft Azure documentation.


YugabyteDB Anywhere can authenticate with Azure using one of the following methods:

Record the following information about your service account. You will need to provide this information later when creating an Azure provider configuration.

Save for later To configure
Service account details Azure provider configuration
Client ID:
Client Secret:
(not required when using managed identity)
Resource Group:
Subscription ID:
(Optional) Network Resource Group:
(Optional) Network Subscription ID:
Tenant ID:

Managing SSH keys for VMs

When creating VMs on the public cloud, YugabyteDB requires SSH keys to access the VM. You can manage the SSH keys for VMs in two ways:

  • YBA managed keys. When YBA creates VMs, it will generate and manage the SSH key pair.
  • Provide a custom key pair. Create your own custom SSH keys and upload the SSH keys when you create the provider.

If you will be using your own custom SSH keys, then ensure that you have them when installing YBA and creating your public cloud provider.

Save for later To configure
Custom SSH keys Azure provider configuration